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Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac

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There is no Dragon NaturallySpeaking that runs on a Mac without Windows. Dragon Dictate is the Mac version of that program. It's much different today than it was six years ago. Dragon NaturallySpeaking will run in Windows (running on the Mac) as well as it would run on a plain Windows computer with the same specifications. I once used Dragon on. Changing audio-in on the pc side has no effect. Without any mic control on the pc side, Dragon NatSpeaking cannot do its initial mic calibration. You have to do this manually by going back and forth between the mac and pc, and hope for the best. Parallels is a great product, but the usb mic-in doesn't work yet.

Someone asked me recently whether their friend should purchase Dragon Home or Dragon Premium.

@CharJTF I'll blog about this, but always Premium. Extensible. Compatible with Excel and PPT. Lets you do text and graphics macros. @jfc3

Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac Catalina

— Eric Wright (@ewaccess) October 15, 2014

Get Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13 for Windows. Dragon Home is missing useful features. Most of Dragon Professional's useful functionality can be achieved using third party tools.

Expanding the question from Dragon Home vs. Dragon Premium to the whole universe of Dragon-brand computer products, the question of which one to buy is more complicated than it should be. It involves three factors that I'll consider below:

  • Which platform (Dragon NaturallySpeaking for Windows, or Dragon Dictate 3 for Mac)?
  • Which version (For Dictate, 3 or 4. For NaturallySpeaking, the latest version is 13)?
  • Which edition (Home, Premium, Professional, Legal, or Medical)?
Dragon naturally speaking does it run well on parallels for mac osx

This decision is the easiest one to make. If you want to run Dragon on Windows, get Dragon NaturallySpeaking. If you want to run Dragon on Mac, do you want to use Mac OS while doing it?

For the Mac

Quite simply, if you're using a Mac and you want to run a Dragon program designed to run natively on Mac OS, you should get Dragon Dictate for Mac. The current version of Dragon Dictate for Mac is version 4. Personally, I'm still using version 3. I wrote a Dragon Dictate 3 review in 2012. Truth is, not much has changed about Dragon Dictate since then. The core speech engine (which recognizes your voice and transcribes it to text) is better with each version, but in terms of new features and capability from its predecessor, Dragon Dictate 4 was such an incremental upgrade over its predecessor that I wasn't compelled to write about it. My Dictate 3 review stands.


Dragon Dictate for Mac isn't the only option for Dragon users on Mac hardware. You can install Dragon NaturallySpeaking (the Windows version of Dragon) on Windows, provided you can install Windows on an Intel-based Mac. If you go this route, you can either install NaturallySpeaking on Windows using Boot Camp or you can install NaturallySpeaking from within a virtual machine.

Personally, I run Dragon NaturallySpeaking on my MacBook Air using a VirtualBox virtual machine. People have written volumes on whether BootCamp or virtualization is superior. Suffice it to say that Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 runs very well on my virtual machine (Intel i7 Processor, 4 GB of RAM, 60 GB SSD), but that if I were looking to get a computer specifically to run Dragon NaturallySpeaking then I would get a Windows PC. Virtual machines are convenient for when you occasionally need something from multiple operating systems, but they're not worth consistent, intense resource usage (by which I mean the whirring fans and toasty lap) that come from hours of dictating on a FrankenMac.

For the PC

If you're going to get DNS, the question of which version number to get is easy. Always get the latest version that you can afford. Unlike Dragon Dictate, each release of Dragon NaturallySpeaking is faster, less-resource intensive, and more powerful than its predecessors. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 is the best version of Dragon there has ever been. The only caveat to the advice is to always get the latest version of Dragon that you can afford is to avoid Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 or 11.5. Version 11 introduced a new UI and a new speech model. Both of those things were ultimately useful (and they have been carried over and improved upon in subsequent versions), but at the new speech model introduced significant latency that made Dragon borderline unusable for users who weren't comfortable changing their speech model and modifying the options.ini file.

You want Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium. This is true if you are:

  • New to Dragon
  • A user who is not concerned with full voice control of their computer or automating complex tasks with voice macros
  • A web accessibility professional looking for a cheap, fully capable testing tool
  • A user with a disability who wants a cheap alternative to Dragon Professional for personal use

But Dragon Home is cheaper! Can't I just get that?

You could, but you probably shouldn't. If you like speech computing at all, you'll quickly become frustrated by its shortcomings. Nuance offers a helpful Feature Comparison Matrix [PDF] that itemizes the differences between Dragon Home and Dragon Premium.

Among some of the things you can do with Premium that you can't do with Home:

  • You can dictate into Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint, and control those programs by voice.
  • Advanced Correction plays back what you said (in your own voice) while you edit your document. Knowing exactly what sounds Dragon transcribed is essential when trying to decide how to effectively correct any mistakes it makes.
  • You can use Dragon with a mobile app for Android or iOS in lieu of a microphone
  • You can save and import your custom vocabulary in case you want to carry it over into a new profile, a new install or new version of Dragon
  • You can create simple 'text-and-graphics' commands, such as 'my logo' to insert a logo a document, 'my signature' to insert an e-mail signature, or simple phrases to insert often-repeated text.

Advanced Correction (the ability to hear what you dictated when you're trying to figure out whether Dragon mistranscribed something or whether you misspoke) is a can't-miss feature, and that alone is worth the price of admission for Premium.

It's a KnowBrainer

The biggest reason to prefer Dragon Premium to Home is that Premium is extensible. Premium is compatible with third-party add-ons like Vocola and KnowBrainer. With these, you can use Dragon Premium to create custom voice commands to automate any task on a Windows PC.

I have also used Voice Computer, SpeechStart+, and ShowNumbers Plus. All of these tools offer additional hands-free functionality at a cost substantially lower than purchasing a Professional version of Dragon, and none of them are compatible with Dragon Home.

My favorite add-on is KnowBrainer. Not only does it work with Dragon Premium to offer advanced scripting functionality comparable to that of Dragon Professional, but it is free to people with disabilities and assistive technology professionals.

Why should I get Dragon Medical?

  • If you or your practice need to be HIPAA compliant
  • If you need to dictate into an EMR on Nuance's EMR Whitelist
    If you need to use Hidden Mode [Flash demo]. Hidden Mode is an exclusive feature of Dragon Medical that allows you to dictate into a non-active window.
  • If you want to save time by not having to create your own specialized medical vocabulary.

Dragon Medical also contains every feature of Dragon Premium and Professional.

Why should I get Dragon Legal?

Unlike Dragon Medical, I don't see the value proposition of Dragon Legal. Dragon Legal contains no extra features or functionality beyond those of Dragon Professional. Dragon Legal does have an extensive legal vocabulary, but the Professional and Premium versions of Dragon can transcribe most legal terms and styles accurately by default. I think that most Legal professionals will be well-served by buying Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional and simply adding any unknown words or phrases to its vocabulary. Moreover, Dragon Legal's language model is for American lawyers only, so if you're outside of the United States then its value proposition is further reduced.

What about Dragon Professional?

I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Professional. For years I was satisfied with my combination of Dragon Premium and KnowBrainer, which gave me full, hands-free access to my computer and the ability to create custom commands for $99. I recently outgrew it though and upgraded to using Dragon Professional even for personal computing. Dragon Professional has every feature in Premium, and some additional ones that I love:

  • Deferred correction. I can save a copy of my spoken dictation with my documents so that I can go back to them over multiple sittings and still remember what I said. This performs identically to the Advanced Correction in Dragon Premium, but with Premium you lose your spoken when you close a document, meaning you need to edit your dictations in the same sitting that you compose them.
  • Step-by-Step commands. Dragon Professional contains a GUI that lets you build custom voice commands by stringing simple actions together from a list. This is the quickest and easiest way to create custom voice commands.
  • Open-ended commands. New to Dragon 13 Professional, it's now possible to create commands that accept free-form dictation. Meaning, I can create commands to 'Search Website X for [whatever query I speak]. Dragon Premium has long had the ability to search Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Wikipedia for free-form queries, but the ability to create custom searches or to act on any file in a specific directory will be a big time saver for me.
  • Easier control over custom vocabularies. Dragon Premium lets you import and export custom vocabularies, but Dragon Professional gives you more granular control over custom pronunciations.
  • It is compatible with Utter Command, a third-party add-on that enables you to perform complex actions using an efficient, intuitive syntax.
  • Dragon's Advanced Scripting engine. If you don't have a third-party command utility, Dragon Professional lets you create powerful, flexible macros to perform any action by voice.

Most of these features are for power users. If they appeal to you, Dragon Professional is worth the price of admission.

Correction- October 20, 2014: This article originally implied that Utter Command was compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium. This has been edited to clarify that Utter Command is only compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional, Medical, and Legal. I regret any confusion.

KnowBrainer Speech Recognition

Installing Dragon Naturally Speaking on an Intel based Macintosh Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the recognized leader in continuous speech recognition technology. Until recently, owners of Apple computers have been unable to use this software and have. This isn't going to do you much good in the next 5 minutes, but in the long run, it's the best solution. Turn off Natural Language Commands. If you don't need the Natural Language Commands, just regular old dictation and the dictation commands that work in the Dragon Professional Individual window, turn off Natural Language Commands.

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Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac
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Topic Title: Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer
Topic Summary: Apple Mac computer
Created On: 01/18/2020 03:36 PM
Status: Post and Reply
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Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Alastair - 01/18/2020 03:36 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Lunis Orcutt - 01/18/2020 09:30 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - plb46500 - 01/19/2020 12:50 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Alastair - 01/20/2020 07:56 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Scribe - 01/21/2020 03:29 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - mwarddoc - 01/28/2020 03:01 AM

Senior Member
Posts: 137
Joined: 01/16/2007

My granddaughter has never heard of Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I have been with the program I would think for nearly 20 years and a member here also. She is running an Apple Mac computer, and I'm wanting to give her a Dragon NaturallySpeaking professional program. Will she be able to plug this in and make it work without any problems.


Lunis Orcutt
Top-Tier Member
Posts: 37723
Joined: 10/01/2006

The 1st thing you should tell her is that this edition of Dragon is called Dragon Professional Individual or DPI 15.3 for short. Don't mention the term 'NaturallySpeaking' because it was 86ed 5 years ago and you want your granddaughter to keep cool

Dragon should work better on a dedicated Windows PC but considering that you have to use Parallels/VMware or Bootcamp with a Windows 10 installation, Dragon should function nearly as well. However, as often as you see Mac computers on television, they do not run the world. If your granddaughter eventually needs a job that requires computer use, experienced Window proficient users are likely to be hired 1st.


Trial Downloads
Dragon/[email protected]
(615) 884-4558 ext 1

New Member
Posts: 6
Joined: 01/17/2020
Are you sure ? Usually people who can handle one system can handle the other. Don't you think that reiterated negative comments on Mac look somehow partisan. Most modern Mac run windows seamlessly with appropriate virtual machine and certain to surprising speed however I don't intend to start a controversy reading your comment is usually very informative Best regards

Senior Member
Posts: 137
Joined: 01/16/2007

Well thank you both for your comments, my granddaughter is going to be a physiotherapist so how much computing she will do I don't know. I'm just going to keep a neutral attitude and if she really wants to get into this excellent voice operating system, then I can do it for her.
I have been here a long time and this is the most excellent board on the entire Internet and so much knowledge it's absolutely fantastic.
Thank you again for your comments
very best wishes


Top-Tier Member
Posts: 358
Joined: 04/02/2010

Since your granddaughter is already using a Mac, she might want to experiment with the Voice Control application built into Apple's Catalina operating system. It is supposed to work in word-processing programs, e-mail systems, and more. I'm a PC user, so I don't have personal experience with it, but I found a feature about it here:

[Edited to activate the link.]


The woman who dueled with Aaron Burr and won:

Crohn's News Blog:

Senior Member
Posts: 137
Joined: 10/06/2017
'my granddaughter is going to be a physiotherapist so how much computing she will do'
Well, I'm a physician, and in undergraduate (at a major university) and medical school (at same major university) I was not allowed to take programming classes because 'it isn't essential to your program', and we only had two computer terminals in medical school that we could use (in a thousand bed hospital) to access labs and neither had a printer, and in residency, at a hospital with one of the leading information systems IN THE WORLD that we had people from other countries come to look at we only had one terminal on each floor and one in the residency night call quarters (but we had printers attached - perhaps that was why people came from around the world to look at our system).in the 1980's.
Fast forward 30 years.
She will spend the entire day typing, entering data, and cursing the computers, IT department, vendors of crappy software, and wondering how bad paper charts must have been to make us convert to computer based systems (yes, they were that bad and computer based systems are immeasurably better).
So, my advice, is that you teach her to swear, teach her the foulest epithets and phrases you can think of, because she is going to need them.
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If you get no response when you speak into your microphone:

  • Check that Dragon's microphone is on (as opposed to off or asleep). See the section below.
  • If you are using an external microphone, check that your microphone is properly plugged into your computer.
    If you are using a laptop with a docking station, try connecting your microphone to the laptop instead of the docking station, or vice versa.
    If you are using a USB microphone, connect it directly to the computer's USB port and not a USB extension or hub.
  • Run Dragon's sound system check: say 'Check Audio' (or 'Switch to DragonBar', then 'Settings', then 'Microphone', then 'Check Microphone'). If your audio signal level is low, more memory is used to recognize your speech and Dragon will run more slowly.
  • Make sure the window in which you want to dictate is active. The active window can change when you use another application or save your profile. A window or dialog box must be active for you to dictate into it.
  • Make sure your microphone is turned on and not muted.
  • Make sure you have the latest audio drivers for your device. Check your device manufacturer's Web site for updates.

Is your microphone on?

Dragon's microphone has to be on for you to dictate.

When the microphone is.

It looks like this.


Dragon's microphone has to be on for you to dictate. To turn the microphone on, do one of the following:

  • Click the microphone.
  • Press the plus sign key (+) on the numeric keypad.


To turn the microphone off, do one of the following:

  • Click the microphone.
  • Say 'Microphone Off'.
  • Press the plus sign key (+) on the numeric keypad.


To put Dragon to sleep, do one of the following:

  • Say 'Go to Sleep' or 'Stop Listening'.
  • Press the forward slash key (/) on the numeric keypad.

Lords of infinity choice of games. If Dragon is asleep, do one of the following to wake it up:

  • Click the microphone.
  • Say 'Listen to Me' or 'Wake Up'.
  • Press the forward slash key (/) on the numeric keypad.

Off—No user profile loaded

If you see Dragon in this state, the microphone is disabled , either because no user profile is open or because you opened a transcription profile. To enable the microphone:

Select Settings>Profile>Open User Profile and select your user profile.

If Dragon doesn't always respond

  • Make sure your device is right in front of you when you speak.
  • Make sure it's reasonably quiet where you are, and that Dragon isn't hearing background voices, music players or TVs. Less background noise is better.
  • If Dragon misunderstood something you said or did not respond, try repeating what you said. Speak clearly at the type of volume level you would in a typical conversation.

If you are experiencing 'clipping'

Clipping occurs when you dictate and Dragon's volume meter rises into the red dot range. This can occur when the Automatically adjust the microphone level as I speak option is disabled. To enable this setting:

  1. Select Settings>Microphone>Choose Microphone.

    The Choose a Microphone dialog box opens.

  2. Select the Automatically adjust the microphone level as I speak option.
  3. Click Finish.

Running the Windows Troubleshooting tool

If your computer is having problems recording sound, try using the Recording Audio troubleshooter to fix the problem. It checks for common issues, such as making sure that both a working sound card and a recording device are installed on your computer.

Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac Pc

Here's how to open the Windows Troubleshooting tool:

Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac High Sierra

Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac Free

Windows 7

Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac Download

  1. Press the Windows key and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Troubleshooting.
  3. Under Hardware and Sound, select Troubleshoot Audio Recording.
  4. In the Recording Audio wizard, select Next and follow the prompts.

    The troubleshooter can find and fix conflicts if any are found.

Windows 8.1/10

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  1. Press the Windows key and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Troubleshooting.

    If you don't see Troubleshooting, type 'Troubleshooting' into the Search box in the upper left of the Control Panel.

  3. Under Hardware and Sound, select Troubleshoot Audio Recording.
  4. If you see the 'Which of these devices do you want to troubleshoot', select your microphone.
  5. In the Recording Audio wizard, select Next and follow the prompts.

    The troubleshooter can find and fix conflicts if any are found.

Checking your microphone setup

Dragon Naturally Speaking Does It Run Well On Parallels For Mac Torrent

Here are the steps you'll need to follow to check and update your microphone setup:

  1. Windows 7: Press the Windows key and select Control Panel and click Sound.
    Windows 8.1/10: Click Sound. If you don't see Sound, type 'Sound' into the Search box in the upper left of the Control Panel.
  2. In the Sound window, click the Recording tab.

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This decision is the easiest one to make. If you want to run Dragon on Windows, get Dragon NaturallySpeaking. If you want to run Dragon on Mac, do you want to use Mac OS while doing it?

For the Mac

Quite simply, if you're using a Mac and you want to run a Dragon program designed to run natively on Mac OS, you should get Dragon Dictate for Mac. The current version of Dragon Dictate for Mac is version 4. Personally, I'm still using version 3. I wrote a Dragon Dictate 3 review in 2012. Truth is, not much has changed about Dragon Dictate since then. The core speech engine (which recognizes your voice and transcribes it to text) is better with each version, but in terms of new features and capability from its predecessor, Dragon Dictate 4 was such an incremental upgrade over its predecessor that I wasn't compelled to write about it. My Dictate 3 review stands.

Dragon Dictate for Mac isn't the only option for Dragon users on Mac hardware. You can install Dragon NaturallySpeaking (the Windows version of Dragon) on Windows, provided you can install Windows on an Intel-based Mac. If you go this route, you can either install NaturallySpeaking on Windows using Boot Camp or you can install NaturallySpeaking from within a virtual machine.

Personally, I run Dragon NaturallySpeaking on my MacBook Air using a VirtualBox virtual machine. People have written volumes on whether BootCamp or virtualization is superior. Suffice it to say that Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 runs very well on my virtual machine (Intel i7 Processor, 4 GB of RAM, 60 GB SSD), but that if I were looking to get a computer specifically to run Dragon NaturallySpeaking then I would get a Windows PC. Virtual machines are convenient for when you occasionally need something from multiple operating systems, but they're not worth consistent, intense resource usage (by which I mean the whirring fans and toasty lap) that come from hours of dictating on a FrankenMac.

For the PC

If you're going to get DNS, the question of which version number to get is easy. Always get the latest version that you can afford. Unlike Dragon Dictate, each release of Dragon NaturallySpeaking is faster, less-resource intensive, and more powerful than its predecessors. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 is the best version of Dragon there has ever been. The only caveat to the advice is to always get the latest version of Dragon that you can afford is to avoid Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 or 11.5. Version 11 introduced a new UI and a new speech model. Both of those things were ultimately useful (and they have been carried over and improved upon in subsequent versions), but at the new speech model introduced significant latency that made Dragon borderline unusable for users who weren't comfortable changing their speech model and modifying the options.ini file.

You want Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium. This is true if you are:

  • New to Dragon
  • A user who is not concerned with full voice control of their computer or automating complex tasks with voice macros
  • A web accessibility professional looking for a cheap, fully capable testing tool
  • A user with a disability who wants a cheap alternative to Dragon Professional for personal use

But Dragon Home is cheaper! Can't I just get that?

You could, but you probably shouldn't. If you like speech computing at all, you'll quickly become frustrated by its shortcomings. Nuance offers a helpful Feature Comparison Matrix [PDF] that itemizes the differences between Dragon Home and Dragon Premium.

Among some of the things you can do with Premium that you can't do with Home:

  • You can dictate into Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint, and control those programs by voice.
  • Advanced Correction plays back what you said (in your own voice) while you edit your document. Knowing exactly what sounds Dragon transcribed is essential when trying to decide how to effectively correct any mistakes it makes.
  • You can use Dragon with a mobile app for Android or iOS in lieu of a microphone
  • You can save and import your custom vocabulary in case you want to carry it over into a new profile, a new install or new version of Dragon
  • You can create simple 'text-and-graphics' commands, such as 'my logo' to insert a logo a document, 'my signature' to insert an e-mail signature, or simple phrases to insert often-repeated text.

Advanced Correction (the ability to hear what you dictated when you're trying to figure out whether Dragon mistranscribed something or whether you misspoke) is a can't-miss feature, and that alone is worth the price of admission for Premium.

It's a KnowBrainer

The biggest reason to prefer Dragon Premium to Home is that Premium is extensible. Premium is compatible with third-party add-ons like Vocola and KnowBrainer. With these, you can use Dragon Premium to create custom voice commands to automate any task on a Windows PC.

I have also used Voice Computer, SpeechStart+, and ShowNumbers Plus. All of these tools offer additional hands-free functionality at a cost substantially lower than purchasing a Professional version of Dragon, and none of them are compatible with Dragon Home.

My favorite add-on is KnowBrainer. Not only does it work with Dragon Premium to offer advanced scripting functionality comparable to that of Dragon Professional, but it is free to people with disabilities and assistive technology professionals.

Why should I get Dragon Medical?

  • If you or your practice need to be HIPAA compliant
  • If you need to dictate into an EMR on Nuance's EMR Whitelist
    If you need to use Hidden Mode [Flash demo]. Hidden Mode is an exclusive feature of Dragon Medical that allows you to dictate into a non-active window.
  • If you want to save time by not having to create your own specialized medical vocabulary.

Dragon Medical also contains every feature of Dragon Premium and Professional.

Why should I get Dragon Legal?

Unlike Dragon Medical, I don't see the value proposition of Dragon Legal. Dragon Legal contains no extra features or functionality beyond those of Dragon Professional. Dragon Legal does have an extensive legal vocabulary, but the Professional and Premium versions of Dragon can transcribe most legal terms and styles accurately by default. I think that most Legal professionals will be well-served by buying Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional and simply adding any unknown words or phrases to its vocabulary. Moreover, Dragon Legal's language model is for American lawyers only, so if you're outside of the United States then its value proposition is further reduced.

What about Dragon Professional?

I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Professional. For years I was satisfied with my combination of Dragon Premium and KnowBrainer, which gave me full, hands-free access to my computer and the ability to create custom commands for $99. I recently outgrew it though and upgraded to using Dragon Professional even for personal computing. Dragon Professional has every feature in Premium, and some additional ones that I love:

  • Deferred correction. I can save a copy of my spoken dictation with my documents so that I can go back to them over multiple sittings and still remember what I said. This performs identically to the Advanced Correction in Dragon Premium, but with Premium you lose your spoken when you close a document, meaning you need to edit your dictations in the same sitting that you compose them.
  • Step-by-Step commands. Dragon Professional contains a GUI that lets you build custom voice commands by stringing simple actions together from a list. This is the quickest and easiest way to create custom voice commands.
  • Open-ended commands. New to Dragon 13 Professional, it's now possible to create commands that accept free-form dictation. Meaning, I can create commands to 'Search Website X for [whatever query I speak]. Dragon Premium has long had the ability to search Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Wikipedia for free-form queries, but the ability to create custom searches or to act on any file in a specific directory will be a big time saver for me.
  • Easier control over custom vocabularies. Dragon Premium lets you import and export custom vocabularies, but Dragon Professional gives you more granular control over custom pronunciations.
  • It is compatible with Utter Command, a third-party add-on that enables you to perform complex actions using an efficient, intuitive syntax.
  • Dragon's Advanced Scripting engine. If you don't have a third-party command utility, Dragon Professional lets you create powerful, flexible macros to perform any action by voice.

Most of these features are for power users. If they appeal to you, Dragon Professional is worth the price of admission.

Correction- October 20, 2014: This article originally implied that Utter Command was compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium. This has been edited to clarify that Utter Command is only compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional, Medical, and Legal. I regret any confusion.

KnowBrainer Speech Recognition

Installing Dragon Naturally Speaking on an Intel based Macintosh Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the recognized leader in continuous speech recognition technology. Until recently, owners of Apple computers have been unable to use this software and have. This isn't going to do you much good in the next 5 minutes, but in the long run, it's the best solution. Turn off Natural Language Commands. If you don't need the Natural Language Commands, just regular old dictation and the dictation commands that work in the Dragon Professional Individual window, turn off Natural Language Commands.

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Topic Title: Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer
Topic Summary: Apple Mac computer
Created On: 01/18/2020 03:36 PM
Status: Post and Reply
Linear : Threading : Single : Branch
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Alastair - 01/18/2020 03:36 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Lunis Orcutt - 01/18/2020 09:30 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - plb46500 - 01/19/2020 12:50 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Alastair - 01/20/2020 07:56 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - Scribe - 01/21/2020 03:29 PM
Will Dragon run on an Apple Mac computer - mwarddoc - 01/28/2020 03:01 AM

Senior Member
Posts: 137
Joined: 01/16/2007

My granddaughter has never heard of Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I have been with the program I would think for nearly 20 years and a member here also. She is running an Apple Mac computer, and I'm wanting to give her a Dragon NaturallySpeaking professional program. Will she be able to plug this in and make it work without any problems.


Lunis Orcutt
Top-Tier Member
Posts: 37723
Joined: 10/01/2006

The 1st thing you should tell her is that this edition of Dragon is called Dragon Professional Individual or DPI 15.3 for short. Don't mention the term 'NaturallySpeaking' because it was 86ed 5 years ago and you want your granddaughter to keep cool

Dragon should work better on a dedicated Windows PC but considering that you have to use Parallels/VMware or Bootcamp with a Windows 10 installation, Dragon should function nearly as well. However, as often as you see Mac computers on television, they do not run the world. If your granddaughter eventually needs a job that requires computer use, experienced Window proficient users are likely to be hired 1st.


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Are you sure ? Usually people who can handle one system can handle the other. Don't you think that reiterated negative comments on Mac look somehow partisan. Most modern Mac run windows seamlessly with appropriate virtual machine and certain to surprising speed however I don't intend to start a controversy reading your comment is usually very informative Best regards

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Joined: 01/16/2007

Well thank you both for your comments, my granddaughter is going to be a physiotherapist so how much computing she will do I don't know. I'm just going to keep a neutral attitude and if she really wants to get into this excellent voice operating system, then I can do it for her.
I have been here a long time and this is the most excellent board on the entire Internet and so much knowledge it's absolutely fantastic.
Thank you again for your comments
very best wishes


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Posts: 358
Joined: 04/02/2010

Since your granddaughter is already using a Mac, she might want to experiment with the Voice Control application built into Apple's Catalina operating system. It is supposed to work in word-processing programs, e-mail systems, and more. I'm a PC user, so I don't have personal experience with it, but I found a feature about it here:

[Edited to activate the link.]


The woman who dueled with Aaron Burr and won:

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Senior Member
Posts: 137
Joined: 10/06/2017
'my granddaughter is going to be a physiotherapist so how much computing she will do'
Well, I'm a physician, and in undergraduate (at a major university) and medical school (at same major university) I was not allowed to take programming classes because 'it isn't essential to your program', and we only had two computer terminals in medical school that we could use (in a thousand bed hospital) to access labs and neither had a printer, and in residency, at a hospital with one of the leading information systems IN THE WORLD that we had people from other countries come to look at we only had one terminal on each floor and one in the residency night call quarters (but we had printers attached - perhaps that was why people came from around the world to look at our system).in the 1980's.
Fast forward 30 years.
She will spend the entire day typing, entering data, and cursing the computers, IT department, vendors of crappy software, and wondering how bad paper charts must have been to make us convert to computer based systems (yes, they were that bad and computer based systems are immeasurably better).
So, my advice, is that you teach her to swear, teach her the foulest epithets and phrases you can think of, because she is going to need them.
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If you get no response when you speak into your microphone:

  • Check that Dragon's microphone is on (as opposed to off or asleep). See the section below.
  • If you are using an external microphone, check that your microphone is properly plugged into your computer.
    If you are using a laptop with a docking station, try connecting your microphone to the laptop instead of the docking station, or vice versa.
    If you are using a USB microphone, connect it directly to the computer's USB port and not a USB extension or hub.
  • Run Dragon's sound system check: say 'Check Audio' (or 'Switch to DragonBar', then 'Settings', then 'Microphone', then 'Check Microphone'). If your audio signal level is low, more memory is used to recognize your speech and Dragon will run more slowly.
  • Make sure the window in which you want to dictate is active. The active window can change when you use another application or save your profile. A window or dialog box must be active for you to dictate into it.
  • Make sure your microphone is turned on and not muted.
  • Make sure you have the latest audio drivers for your device. Check your device manufacturer's Web site for updates.

Is your microphone on?

Dragon's microphone has to be on for you to dictate.

When the microphone is.

It looks like this.


Dragon's microphone has to be on for you to dictate. To turn the microphone on, do one of the following:

  • Click the microphone.
  • Press the plus sign key (+) on the numeric keypad.


To turn the microphone off, do one of the following:

  • Click the microphone.
  • Say 'Microphone Off'.
  • Press the plus sign key (+) on the numeric keypad.


To put Dragon to sleep, do one of the following:

  • Say 'Go to Sleep' or 'Stop Listening'.
  • Press the forward slash key (/) on the numeric keypad.

Lords of infinity choice of games. If Dragon is asleep, do one of the following to wake it up:

  • Click the microphone.
  • Say 'Listen to Me' or 'Wake Up'.
  • Press the forward slash key (/) on the numeric keypad.

Off—No user profile loaded

If you see Dragon in this state, the microphone is disabled , either because no user profile is open or because you opened a transcription profile. To enable the microphone:

Select Settings>Profile>Open User Profile and select your user profile.

If Dragon doesn't always respond

  • Make sure your device is right in front of you when you speak.
  • Make sure it's reasonably quiet where you are, and that Dragon isn't hearing background voices, music players or TVs. Less background noise is better.
  • If Dragon misunderstood something you said or did not respond, try repeating what you said. Speak clearly at the type of volume level you would in a typical conversation.

If you are experiencing 'clipping'

Clipping occurs when you dictate and Dragon's volume meter rises into the red dot range. This can occur when the Automatically adjust the microphone level as I speak option is disabled. To enable this setting:

  1. Select Settings>Microphone>Choose Microphone.

    The Choose a Microphone dialog box opens.

  2. Select the Automatically adjust the microphone level as I speak option.
  3. Click Finish.

Running the Windows Troubleshooting tool

If your computer is having problems recording sound, try using the Recording Audio troubleshooter to fix the problem. It checks for common issues, such as making sure that both a working sound card and a recording device are installed on your computer.

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Here's how to open the Windows Troubleshooting tool:

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Windows 7

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  1. Press the Windows key and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Troubleshooting.
  3. Under Hardware and Sound, select Troubleshoot Audio Recording.
  4. In the Recording Audio wizard, select Next and follow the prompts.

    The troubleshooter can find and fix conflicts if any are found.

Windows 8.1/10

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  1. Press the Windows key and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Troubleshooting.

    If you don't see Troubleshooting, type 'Troubleshooting' into the Search box in the upper left of the Control Panel.

  3. Under Hardware and Sound, select Troubleshoot Audio Recording.
  4. If you see the 'Which of these devices do you want to troubleshoot', select your microphone.
  5. In the Recording Audio wizard, select Next and follow the prompts.

    The troubleshooter can find and fix conflicts if any are found.

Checking your microphone setup

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Here are the steps you'll need to follow to check and update your microphone setup:

  1. Windows 7: Press the Windows key and select Control Panel and click Sound.
    Windows 8.1/10: Click Sound. If you don't see Sound, type 'Sound' into the Search box in the upper left of the Control Panel.
  2. In the Sound window, click the Recording tab.

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    A list of recording devices appears.

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  3. Try speaking into your microphone, and see if there any green bars rising next to one of them while you talk.
  4. Check if you can recognize which one of the devices in the list is your microphone. If you found it, click it to highlight it, and then click Set Default.
  5. Check again if you see green bars rising when you talk into the microphone. If you do, your mic is now correctly setup. If not, continue to the next step.
  6. Double-click on the device that represents your microphone.

    The Microphone Properties window appears.

  7. Click the Levels tab.
  8. In the levels tab, drag the slider to the right to increase the microphone level. Click OK and check again if you see green bars rising when you talk into the microphone: if you do, your mic is now properly configured.

    If you still don't see any green bars, try repeating steps 3-7 for any other recording devices you may have.

  9. When you are done, click OK to close the sound window.

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4/25/20182:35 PM

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